Sublime Voices: The Next Generation of Opera

The next generation of Opera will introduce Society of Active Retirees (SOAR) members and guests to Detroit Opera’s Resident Artist program. During the program, participants in the Resident Artist Program will perform and educate those in attendance about the training program, about Opera, and the means by which rising talent moves into the professional world of Opera. Different from other community performances by the Residents, this afternoon will include an educational component that aligns with SOAR’s mission. This opportunity is sure to strengthen the attendee’s appreciation for the arts and humanities. The program will take place at the HAWK, the new Farmington Hills Community Center and will be open to SOAR members and guests.

Funding for this program was provided by Michigan Humanities Arts and Humanities Touring Grant. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of Michigan Humanities or the aforementioned entities.

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