The Garden Theater is excited to announce that they will be welcoming Traverse City Dance Project back to their stage for our Summer 2023 Season! They will be hosting a FREE dance performance showcasing some of the best talent in the country. TCDP is Northern Michigan’s only professional dance company. A bit about them, “The mission of the Traverse City Dance Project is to produce and present professional dance in Northern Michigan and beyond. We seek to develop, support & amplify the voice of the dance artist in our society. We commission new music for dance and use live music whenever possible. The TCDP is committed to expanding our reach to underserved audiences and ensuring that our programs are accessible and affordable to all.”
Funding for this program was provided by Michigan Humanities – Arts and Humanities Touring Grant. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of Michigan Humanities or the aforementioned entities.