General Guidelines
Eligible Applicants
The applicant organization must be a nonprofit authorized to operate in the state of Michigan. The organization need not be incorporated and may be a public agency. Individuals are not eligible. Sponsoring organizations are encouraged to collaborate with other organizations.
Funding Notes
An organization is eligible to receive one Humanities Grant per calendar year. Michigan Humanities will not provide Humanities Grant funding for the same project for more than two consecutive years.
Eligible/Ineligible Expenses
Humanities grant funds MAY be used for:
- Public forums or conferences
- Lecture/discussion series; honoraria and travel for speakers and presenters
- Book/film discussion programs about humanities-related topics
- Interpretive exhibits and catalogues
- Research (may be one component of the project, but not the sole purpose)
- Publications (must be made available to the public)
- Creative or performing arts that serve as a catalyst in a project in which humanities are central and include interpretation and/or discussion of performances, concerts, literary, and art works
- Development of digital projects
Humanities grant funds MAY NOT be used for:
- Advocacy, action programs, or social services
- Travel for study or to attend conferences
- Field trip transportation expenses and admission fees
- Scholarships or academic credit
- Construction or renovation, property purchases (some rental is eligible), artifact restoration
- General operating expenses
- Food (except for resource personnel traveling to a project), refreshments or entertainment
- Individuals, general operating support, or fundraising activities
Applicant Match Requirements
Grant recipients must provide cost share in the form of cash or in-kind resources as follows:
100% Cost share required for all projects up to $20,000.
Cash Cost Share: Includes cash contributions made by third parties as well as all contributions made by the sponsoring organization in order to implement the project. For the sponsoring organization, cash cost-share may include the salaries of project staff, cost of space to conduct project activities, and supplies and service costs related to the project.
In-Kind Cost Share: Includes all donated goods, services, equipment or facilities. In-kind contributions must be fully documented and could encompass items such as the value of a project participant waiving their normal fee for services.
Project Advisors
At least one humanities professional/scholar is required to participate in the project.
Project Advisors can be humanities scholars, professionals, or community-based experts with subject expertise relevant to the proposed project. Project Advisors encourage dialogue, critical thinking, and analysis, and they contribute knowledge, methods, and resources that are at the core of the humanities. Project Advisors can be part of the existing project team. It is not necessary to bring someone on specifically for this role.
Letter of Support
A minimum of one letter of support from a partnering organization is required.
Award Notification
Award notification emails are sent out by June 1 for Spring Humanities grants and November 1 for Fall Humanities grants.
Payment Schedule
The full award amount will be sent after receipt of a signed grant agreement.
Project Period
Project periods may cover up to one year from the announcement of the award.
Reporting Requirements
Upon completion of a grant awarded project, Michigan Humanities requires a final report. In addition to including a final budget detailing how the grant funds were spent, the report is designed for you to tell us about your project, including the positives and the challenges.
If you have questions or would like to discuss a potential project, please contact James Nelson at jnelson@mihumanities.org.